Gift Boxes
We take great pride in crafting the highest quality designs. Explore our curated ready-made and build-your-own gift boxes with a focus on our Made in Scotland Collections, perfect for gifting. Delivery and wrapping all taken care of, all you have to do is select and we send.
Here at Kestin one of our fundamental values is championing Made In Scotland production. We are pushing ourselves over the years to grow manufacturing in our homeland. Our highly skilled crafts partners make world-class products including Socks from Inverness-shire, Knitwear from Aberdeenshire and Dumfries and Galloway, Scarves from Hawick, Beanies and Gloves from Kilmarnock and Candles from Edinburgh.
If you wish to explore Corporate gifting, you’ll find an edit of the products we have to offer on this page. However if you are looking for something specific, please get in touch – support@kestin.co.

Ultimate Made in Scotland Gift Set
Starting From £309
Braemar Accessories Gift Set
Starting From £154
Candle & Braemar Beanie Gift Set
Scarf & Candle Gift Set
Starting from £114
Underwear Gift Set
Starting From £98
Elgin Sock Gift Set
Starting From £85
Tyninghame Candle

Gift Cards
Starting from £25